I Tried a Wim Hof Breathwork Class and Cold Plunge

I Tried a Wim Hof Breathwork Class and Cold Plunge

Sitting chin-deep in ice water isn’t how I would typically spend my Sundays, but this is precisely where I found myself recently. A friend invited me to a Wim Hof breathwork class which included taking an ice bath for two to three minutes, so of course, I said yes.

Seeking Discomfort

I’ll be brutally honest here, seeking discomfort hasn’t always been interesting to me. But, in the past few years, I have found myself engaging in experiences that terrify me, which I hope is somehow helping to heal my past traumas and enforce confidence and satisfaction within myself.

I’ve faced my fear of heights by flying in small airplanes and by zip-lining across a gigantic canyon. The challenged my long-time fear of dark water by swimming into murky lagoons that jog memories of every alligator I’ve ever seen. I even went as far as to face my fear of sharks by jumping into the open ocean to chase down whale sharks without a life jacket.

The whale sharks weren’t scary, it was sitting in the ocean like a sitting duck waiting for the boat to collect me after each jump that scared the crap out of me. I envisioned every scene from Jaws and shark week I have ever wrongfully ingested.

So, I happily agreed to sit through a presentation that outlined the benefits of cold water immersion and how your body reacts to the experience. Here is some of what I learned about the importance of breathing:

What is Breathwork?

It is the practice of controlling your breath to manipulate your body temperature, oxygen intake, stress levels, and mental state. It’s a full-body experience and it can even make you feel emotional.

What Are The Benefits of Breath Work?

In my case, we used the Wim Hof method to endure cold exposure. This helped to regulate body temperature to sustain in the ice bath for longer. You can change your mindset and manage your emotions simply by changing the way you breathe. It’s amazing.

One thing I truly admire about the Wim Hof technique is that it teaches that you have more control over your body than you think. If you’re the type of person who thrives when they’re in control, give it a try.

What does Wim Hof method do?

The WHM provides benefits such as stress reduction, enhanced creativity, more focus, and mental clarity, better sleep, improved cardiovascular health, and improved exercise performance.

How do you do the Wim Hof Method?

Be conscious of your breath, and try to fully connect with it. Inhale deeply through the nose or mouth, and exhale unforced through the mouth. Fully inhale through the belly, then chest, and then let go unforced. Repeat this 30 to 40 times in short, powerful bursts.

You can pair this with taking a cold shower in the mornings. Not only does it stimulate blood circulation, but can also help to burn fat and increase well-being in the brain, due to happiness hormones being released.

How often should you do Wim Hof Method?

During the day focus on deeper more conscious breathing. Once you have unlocked how to do the Wim Hof Method, you can access it indefinitely, and move through the stages at your own pace. The method should be implemented in your life daily to reap the full benefits.

My Ice Bath Experience

I was slightly terrified of sitting in an ice bath, but I knew it would be worth pushing through for the health benefits alone. The Wim Hof method is built around cold exposure — specifically swimming in ice water or taking an ice bath to stimulate white blood cell production and increase your immune system.

The informational portion of the workshop started with an hour-long class teaching us how to breathe properly, and how the process works within the body. It’s crazy how you can control your body temperature in this way, and the tingly feeling that comes with blood rushing through your veins isn’t something I had experienced many times in life.

When we were ready to embark on the ice bath journey we headed outside to find a metal tub filled with chunks of ice. After a relaxing and emotional breathwork session, while laying down on the ground, I was ready to take the plunge.

I stepped in and immediately knew I would have to dunk down to my shoulders quickly or I wouldn’t get in at all. My knees were bent and I cupped my hands together in front of my face focusing on my breathing.

The coach instructed me to push my breath to reach her hand in front of my face and used positive affirmations to get me through the two minutes. They truly felt like forever while my entire body tingled and shivered.

Cold Plunge Experience

My brain was telling me to escape the torture of the freezing water, and I had to convince myself to stay in for longer. This is the discomfort I was seeking.

My mind was screaming to get out and seek warmth and safety, that what I was doing wasn’t right or safe. It’s a true test of endurance and mental fortitude to force yourself to stay in ice-cold water!

After a while, I was shivering violently and my muscles clenched tightly. I told my instructor I was ready to get out. Luckily it was just at the two-minute mark.

Upon exiting and stepping into the sun I began doing this stretch-like dance to get the blood flowing to my extremities again. My skin felt like pins and needles, but I was extremely proud of myself and my new friends who also took a swim in the ice water.

One girl cried, and another looked peaceful as ever. I was the strangely excited one who kept smiling while in the ice trying to keep it all together. A few people went twice, but I felt satisfied with my single plunge for the first time. Something unexpected happened to me the very next day though.

What Happens After an Ice Plunge?

I tackled difficult tasks that I had been putting off for nearly a YEAR. You read that right, a whole year. My nervous system felt so at peace that I was able to face my fears and get some stuff done! I was not expecting this to happen, but I am very happy that it did.

In the mornings now I do a Wim Hof guided breathing meditation to start my day off right, it’s this one if you’re interested:

Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing Video

I have a newfound respect for ice plunges and their ability to help those struggling to regulate their nervous system. I can also see how it would be beneficial for busy entrepreneurs to aid them in being more productive.

Breathwork can be done anywhere, I highly suggest doing that to start your day off on the right foot. Give it a shot, you might find that you thoroughly enjoy the results!

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